UU Climate Revival

DMV-area Climate Revival Hub and Social Justice Retreat

When: Sep. 28 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Where: River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 6301 River Rd, Bethesda, MD 20817
RSVP here by September 14. It helps the organizers plan a quality experience (including lunch)!
Contact: Social Justice Coordinator Andrew Batcher

As part of the nationwide UU Climate Revival, the Unitarian Universalist Potomac Partnership and the UU Mid-Atlantic Network for the Environment (UU-MANE) will host a climate revival and social justice retreat for DC-area UUs at River Road UU Congregation.


  • Explore and deepen the entire social justice ministry. While the event uses a climate justice lens, activities intentionally build connections between many issues UUs care about.

  • Connect with Unitarian Universalists throughout the DMV region who share values of building a better world.

  • Find inspiration to make a difference locally.

  • A kids’ space for ages 8 and under will be provided, and organizers are looking into other potential children and youth activities.

This video from Andrew Batcher provides more information about the event

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