February 16-April 27
Sanctuary and Music & Arts Room
Deadline to submit art: February 8 (details below)
Deadline to submit poetry: February 15 (details below)
The next art show gives artists and writers of all ages the chance to share works that show “Why We Love UUCF.”
Two show components
Visual art – Art or photography (ready for wall display) relating to or inspired by:
- UUCF campus or facilities
- UUCF people/programming
- Involvement in UUCF
Poetry or prose (200 words or less) relating to or inspired by:
- UUCF campus or facilities
- UUCF people/programming
- Involvement in UUCF
The visual art will be displayed in the Sanctuary and Music and Arts Room. The written submissions will be collected and may be shared on social media, included in services, or used for other messaging.
Submitting work
NOTE: All participants (wall artwork and poems/prose) must provide name, mailing address, email address, and best phone number to contact you.
- To submit artwork for the walls, email a .jpg or .png file to visualarts@uucf.org by February 8, including the title, media, and sales price (or Not For Sale) for each piece. Submit up to three images. UUCF will take the first 45 pieces on a first-come, first-served basis.
- To submit poetry/prose, email your file to Mary Lareau at mlareau@uucf.org by February 15.
Dropping off/picking up wall art
Drop off wall artwork on February 13, 7:30-9pm or February 15, 9-11am. Note that we may not be able to accommodate artwork that is delivered after February 15.
Please take down your artwork on April 27 at 11am after the service. If you are unable to take home your unsold pieces, please email visualarts@uucf.org to arrange an alternative when you submit your initial jpgs.
Instructions for exhibiting artwork on the walls
- Artwork should be ready for display
- Framed with hanging wire on back (Sawtooth hangers or single hooks won’t work with UUCF’s hanging system.) Send a note to visualarts@uucf.org if you need framing help or have questions.
- Labeled on the back with the artist’s name, phone number, title, medium, and price
- Size limitations
- Frame height + width up to 56″; e.g., 22”x28”, 36”x14”, 16”x20”. Weight: max 40 lbs.
- All work must be original to the artist and signed.
- The space is open to all ages. UUCF cannot accept work with nudity or explicit violence and reserves the right to determine what is appropriate for the space.
- Liability policy: Artwork displayed in and around UUCF will be exhibited at the artist’s own risk. Submitting and dropping off artwork for a show at UUCF means you agree with this policy.