Soul Circles

“There is a quality of listening that is possible among a circle of human beings, who by their attentiveness to one another create a space in which each person is able to give voice to the truth of his or her life. There is the miracle of authentic narrative, made possible by listening that holds still long enough to let our truth be told.”
– Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker

Contact Director of Family Ministry and Lifespan Faith Formation Diana Tycer.

Journey with your companions at UUCF through Soul Circles.

Soul Circles are small groups of spiritually engaged individuals who work independently on an activity from the monthly themed Soul Matters packets and then gather to share their soul-nourishing experiences. As a group member, you’ll delve into thought-provoking topics aligned with UUCF’s worship services, develop your deep listening skills, and forge meaningful connections with others in the congregation.  Participating in a Soul Circle can be transformative!

Each month, participants in Soul Circles receive a meticulously curated packet with readings, links to videos, and suggestions for activities that relate to the monthly worship theme. At the monthly Soul Circle gathering, group members share the connections they made from the packet, and learn what it raised up for the other group members. Together, group members come to a greater appreciation and richer understanding of the worship theme to deepen their spirituality and Unitarian Universalist identity.

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