2025 Annual Meeting

The 2025 UUCF Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 1, at 11:30am, after the worship service. All UUCF member are encouraged to attend and vote. The meeting agenda, including leadership elections, the budget, and other items that will be up for a vote, will be released in late April.

2024 Annual Meeting

View the meeting minutes from the 2024 Annual Meeting. Photos and information about the congregational award winners are posted below.

2024-25 Budget

The congregation approved the following budget for 2024-25.

2024 Leadership Elections

At the Annual Meeting, the following congregants were elected to leadership positions:

  • Board of Directors, each for a 3-year term: Suzanne Leonard, Marcia Tugendhat, and Gina Wells (NOTE: Suzanne Leonard ultimately needed to step down from this role. The Board elected Raju Tonapi to fill the vacated position.).
  • Leadership and Nominating Committee, each for a 2 year term: Rama K. Kotra, Hanh Michael, and Kathy Smerke Hochberg.

Congregational Awards

Each year at the Annual Meeting, four important congregational awards are bestowed on leaders of distinction. Here are the awards for 2024:

Founders Award – Kathy Smerke Hochberg

In the spirit of UUCF’s founders, this award recognizes long-term, outstanding service and dedication to the UUCF community. For many years, Kathy has served as a congregational leader. She chaired the Religious Exploration Committee, served on the Coordinating Team, and was the logistical muscle behind three search teams. Kathy has tackled all of these roles with alacrity, practicality, and efficiency. She is a doer and she does it all well.

(Photo, from left: Board President Kaye Cook, Kathy Smerke Hochberg, Board Assistant Treasurer Dillon Ginley, and Senior Minister Rev. David A. Miller)

Bruce H. Birnbaum Award – Peter Clark

In recognition of volunteer service to UUCF above and beyond the call of duty. Peter is a shining example of dedication to volunteering. Whether coordinating large-scale Property Stewardship events or spearheading grassroots initiatives, Peter’s organizational skills have consistently ensured the success of various projects. His meticulous attention to detail and ability to rally volunteers have been instrumental in ensuring that UUCF facilities look good and function properly. 

(Photo, from left: Board President Kaye Cook, Peter Clark, Coordinating Team lay member Robin Wilson, and Senior Minister Rev. David A. Miller)

Rev. Bill Welch Religious Exploration Award – James Cardona

In recognition of sustained service and dedication to Religious Exploration for UUCF’s children and youth. James’ enthusiasm for UUCF and the RE program has helped attract and retain many new families. As a leader on the RE Committee, as a Special RE helper in the summer and on holiday weekends, and as a Hello Friends teaching team member for the past 6 years, James’ dedication has contributed greatly to the success of the RE program.

(Photo, from left: Board President Kaye Cook, RE Committee Co-chair Marcia Tugendhat, James Cardona, and Senior Minister Rev. David A. Miller)

Howard and Agnes Sollenberger Social Justice Award – Loretta Rowe

In recognition of distinguished service in the promotion of social justice in the world. With perseverance and adaptability, Loretta has led an impactful Earth ministry at UUCF. Loretta’s persistent dedication to promoting environmental sustainability and easing animal suffering by choosing plant-based foods, has raised awareness and compelled UUCF members to make changes personally, within the congregation, and beyond.

(Photo, from left: Board President Kaye Cook, Social Justice Coordinator Andrew Batcher, Loretta Rowe, and Senior Minister Rev. David A. Miller)

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