2025-26 Annual Giving Pledge Campaign

Each spring UUCF launches the Annual Giving Pledge Campaign. During the pledge campaign, congregants make pledges to fund the mission, programs, and operations of the congregation. Pledging is the backbone of UUCF’s operations. About 70% of UUCF’s operating budget is funded by pledge dollars and congregant donations. Pledging helps UUCF’s leadership with budgeting and planning programming for the congregational year.

The theme for the 2025-26 Annual Giving Pledge Campaign is “Keep it Going. Keep it Growing.” The campaign asks congregants to take a look at their giving level (see charts below) and consider increasing their pledges to the next level of giving. Those small increases can make a huge difference in UUCF’s ability to fund its ministries and programs.

If you are changing an existing pledge, making an annual pledge for the first time, or pledging after taking a break, please fill out this Pledge Form and click Submit. Or download this pledge card, save it to your desktop, fill it out and email it to Finance Manager Gayathri Tillekeratne.

If you’re a new pledger or are changing your payment methods, please go to UUCF’s Realm members database and update your information (or do so through your bank, depending upon how you set up your payment).


Thank you for your generous pledge to the 2025-26 Annual Giving Campaign!

The ABCs of Pledging


Additional giving links 

  • My giving records - how to access your personal/family giving records
  • Annual Auction – each year UUCF holds an annual fundraising auction. The 2025 Auction was held on May 3.
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