Talking & Listening for the New Year

Let’s talk. Really talk. The UUCF Board of Directors has set its priorities for this coming congregational year, and talking – as well as its critical partner, listening – is top of the list.

Why focus on talking and listening? Because the Board wants to hear the congregation’s thoughts on key vision-focused questions … questions like:

  • What is some of the most important work that UUCF is doing today?
  • Grounded together in community, what might we create for the future?

Just as important, the Board wants the congregation to talk to each other, face to face, about those questions. So many of us are new at UUCF! More than two-thirds of us were not members the last time UUCF underwent a visioning process. So that’s why we’re organizing this process, called Living The Mission – a series of conversations that the Board will then take to help articulate and frame short-term goals for the congregation.

By taking the time to talk – and listen – we’ll all come to a deeper understanding of each other and our shared vision for our congregation’s work. This process of reflecting, re-examining, and re-understanding exemplifies 20th-Century theologian James Luther Adams’ first “smooth stone” of religious liberalism, the theme of revelation: “We put our faith in a creative narrative that is re-creative. Revelation is continuous.”

To set up Living the Mission, the Board will host three facilitated conversations after worship service, on January 12 and 26, and February 9. For those of you unable to attend any of these in-person sessions, we’ll also host Zoom meetings, check-ins with staff, and other small group discussions.

The process sounds simple, but execution always takes work. So if this type of vision-focused work inspires you, please talk to one of us – or send an email to You can also join the Leadership Summit on Saturday, October 19, sponsored by the Leadership & Nominating Committee. During this Summit, the Board will talk more about Living the Mission and model a discussion exercise. It will be fun!

In other Board news, we are grateful to welcome Raju Tonapi as a new Board member. As per the bylaws, Raju will be serving 1 year of the 3-year term vacated by Suzanne Leonard, based on changes in her personal circumstances. We are grateful to Suzanne and Raju for their commitment to UUCF as Raju serves this year and Suzanne continues supporting UUCF’s mission through other means.

So with that, meet your Board, all open to talking with you!

Stacy Casey, President
David Addis, Vice President
Dillon Ginley, Treasurer
Annemarie McCaslin, Assistant Treasurer
Gina Wells, Secretary
Kaye Cook, At-Large
David Saunders, At-Large member
Marcia Tugendhat, At-Large member
Raju Tonapi, At-Large member
Rev. David Miller, UUCF Senior Minister and ex-officio Board member

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