Caring News

This page provides news from the Pastoral Care Team or condolences for members or their loved ones who have passed away. Please click on the heading for the complete listing. To notify UUCF of the passing of a member or loved one, please contact Administrative Coordinator Mary Foster.

Ray McKinley

Condolences to the family and friends of Ray McKinley, who passed away late last week after a long illness. He was 82 years old. Ray joined UUCF in 1982, and his wife, Nancy McKinley, joined in 1991. They were devoted to the UUCF Auction, attending every year until Ray became ill. They bid generously and could be found at many member-hosted auction events each year. Plans for a celebration of life will be announced when they are known.

Don Andress

Condolences to the family and friends of Don Andress, who died on November 19 due to complications from a stroke. He was 74 years old. Don joined UUCF in 2009 and had been involved in many groups and projects. He organized the Monday book group for many years, led workshops at the Adult Retreat, repaired houses in New Orleans with a UUCF group after Hurricane Katrina, and taught UUCF’s Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education class for middle school youth. Plans for a celebration of life will be announced when they are known.

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