Mission & Vision

UUCF Mission

To transform ourselves, our community, and the world through acts of love and justice.


Grow. Connect. Serve.

Grow – Transforming Ourselves: We grow as individuals and as a community through worship, service, play, and caring for one another, and thereby deepening our appreciation of the gifts of life and love.

  • We gather in worship and in lifelong religious education and exploration to nourish our spirits, open ourselves to the holy, and challenge each other to become our better selves.
  • We grow in spirit and strength by working and advocating for social justice, spiritual practice, and supporting each other through passages, grief, and hardship.
  • We celebrate our joys and grow through fun, fellowship, and play.

Connect – Transforming Our Community: We connect to and care for our families, our congregation, and our community.

  • We live our values with love and compassion, creating a diverse religious community united through fellowship and service.
  • We give generously of our time, talent, and resources in caring ministries with one another.
  • We reach out to those who seek a spiritual home and connect them to a vibrant spiritual community, welcoming people of all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, political affiliations, and abilities.
  • We live our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and to just and compassionate human relations, committing ourselves and our resources to help our neighbors and the communities in which we live.

Serve – Transforming the World: We serve our world through our work and commitment.

  • We champion civil, economic, and environmental justice in our community and in the world.
  • We, as grateful stewards, nurture and care for our human, financial, physical, and natural resources, holding them in trust for ourselves and future generations.
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