The UUCF Visual Arts program provides a shared space for artists of all ages and experience levels to display artwork that supports the congregation’s mission of transforming ourselves, our community, and the world through acts of love and justice.
Current & Upcoming Shows
“Why We Love UUCF” Art Show
Through April 27, in the Sanctuary The spring art show gives artists and writers of all ages the chance to share works that show “Why We Love UUCF.” Two show components Visual art – Art or photography (ready for wall display) relating to or inspired by: UUCF campus or facilities UUCF people/programming Involvement in UUCF Poetry or prose (200 words
Visual Arts Events
Visual Arts Mission
- Expand the number of voices and kinds of expression available in the community
- Support local artists, youth, the arts community, and UUCF community members
- Spotlight the work of community groups
- Provide a neutral, inspiring space for discussion and finding common ground
How to Engage
UUCF offers two ways to engage with the Visual Arts. First, UUCF holds several shows each year in the Sanctuary and Music & Arts Room. Calls for Art with instructions on how to enter these shows are posted on the website and sent in the UUCF newsletter. Submissions should be sent as .jpg images to
Second, during the congregational year, the Visual Arts Connection group holds monthly, drop-in, meetings via Zoom, where artists can meet each other and share recent work. Questions? Contact Rebecca Lieser.
About the Space
- UUCF has two exhibit spaces – the Sanctuary and the Music & Arts Room – each with a gallery rail system. Most shows accommodate 25-50 pieces, depending on the sizes of the artwork.
- The space is open Sundays, 8:30am-12:30pm, and during meetings or special events. Check the calendar for more details. To request access to the arts spaces, email or call 703-281-4230.
- The standard commission to UUCF for artworks sold is 20%; this is negotiable with arts organizations.
Instructions for Exhibiting Artwork
- Artwork should be ready for display
- Framed with hanging wire on back (Sawtooth hangers or single hooks won’t work with UUCF’s hanging system.) Send a note to if you need framing help or have questions.
- Labeled on the back with the artist’s name, phone number, title, medium, and price (or NFS for Not For Sale).
- Size limitations
- Frame height + width up to 56″; e.g., 22”x28”, 36”x14”, 16”x20”. Weight: max 40 lbs.
- For 3-D pieces, the current size limit is 18”x18”x18” and 40 lbs.
- All work must be original to the artist and signed.
- The space is open to all ages. UUCF cannot accept work with nudity or explicit violence and reserves the right to determine what is appropriate for the space.
- Artists may submit two to four works per show to Please only include pieces that have not been shown here before. The goal is to hang all submissions, with at least one from every artist. If your piece cannot be hung, you will be notified and pickup will be arranged.
- Liability policy: Artwork displayed in and around UUCF will be exhibited at the artist’s own risk. Submitting and dropping off artwork for a show at UUCF means that you agree with this policy.
UUCF will process the sale of the artwork and send the artist a check for the value of the piece, less the 20% commission. To purchase artwork, send an email to noting the name and artist of the piece you want.