Strong Financial News From UUCF

Dear UUCF Community,

As we move forward into the new congregational year, we want to update you about efforts to stabilize UUCF’s financial foundation. Thanks to these efforts, including the congregation cultivating a spirit of gratitude and hope, we have good news to share about where we ended up financially at the close of the 2023-24 congregational year. As of June 30, 2024:

  • UUCF ended the year with a $15,838 surplus. This is significant, especially given the original projection of a $31,634 budget deficit! 
  • Actual revenues exceeded the budget by $108,165 (10%).

Two factors brought about this positive outcome: increases in pledge and non-pledge revenues and an extremely successful 2024 Auction. Here are some details about these factors and other aspects of UUCF’s financial situation.

2023-24 Pledge Income

Pledge income of $867,235 was $70,715 (8.8%) ahead of the budget. This figure includes $58,463 in pledge prepayments (for 2024-25) and $22,046 in prior-year (2022-23) payments. Also, 48 congregants generously paid $11,894 more than their pledges this past year. 

2024 Auction Income 

The 2024 Auction held in May was budgeted to raise $55,000. It exceeded that target by $15,816 (28%), thanks to excellent planning by the Auction team and extremely strong attendance and bidding at the event. 

Plate Collections 

Plate collections – the money collected by the ushers on Sunday mornings – were the best they’ve ever been – $20,214 (55%) ahead of budget. Remember that UUCF keeps half of the plate collections – the other half goes to support specially selected groups each month.

Rental Revenues 

UUCF’s yearly renters – Hunter Mill Montessori School and The Siena School – have re-signed their leases and continue to provide significant budget support. 

Revenues from other rentals exceeded the budget by $7,113 (4%) due to the increase in non-contracted rentals such as recitals, meetings, and other activities. 

Miscellaneous Other Income

This income category includes gains from stock sales ($5,384), net proceeds from the Chili Cookoff ($2,372), donations from the Montessori School ($2,400), and other miscellaneous donations. 


On the expense side, total expenses exceeded the budget by 3%. Most of these expenses were related to some budgeted and unbudgeted events aimed at enhancing community connections – events like the Fall Festival, LoveFest, etc. – and expenses related to stewardship. 

As always, expenses for the administration of our facilities were higher than expected – due to things like tree maintenance and HVAC repairs. Gratefully, overages were covered by Capital Reserves, which will be bolstered by a contribution from this coming year’s budget. The current balance of the Capital Reserves is $41,080.

Thanks to the deep commitment of this congregation to meeting UUCF’s financial needs, we ended the year on solid ground. We are grateful for the devotion of the leadership of UUCF and to all of us who find those deep places in our hearts that are committed to the present and the future of this vital community resource.

Rev. David A. Miller
Senior Minister

Stacy Casey
President, UUCF Board of Directors

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