Music and Arts Team

UUCF’s Music and Arts Team (MAT) serves as a hub for every activity in the Music & Arts Program. The group serves as a support team to help programs live out the mission of UUCF.  See the charter below.

Music and Arts Team Members

Music & Arts Team Charter


The Music and Arts Team (MAT) is a body of volunteers who work with the Director of Music and Arts (DMA) to conceptualize and implement artistic programs and production that support the mission of UUCF, with an emphasis on enhancing the overall worship experience for UUCF congregants. The MAT coordinates with, collaborates with and supports the DMA to ensure that music and arts programs are consistent with the overall congregational mission, vision, values and strategic direction.


The MAT develops and supports the Music and Arts program and through the arts promotes the overall vision for UUCF within and outside of UUCF’s walls.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

Fosters programming including events, ensembles, and program calendar; ensuring alignment with the strategic goals of UUCF.

    • Reviews the strategic goals for the overall organization of UUCF and determines how to support them through the arts.
    • Establishes a vision for arts and music at UUCF.
    • Helps congregants plan for, produce and understand music and arts programming.
    • Seek congregants feedback on the Music and Arts Program.
    • Gathers ideas and inspiration from outside sources to enhance music and arts programming at UUCF.
    • Communicates the vision, programming and program goals to the congregation with regular updates.

Plans for implementation and assessments

    • Meets in early January to plans and evaluate the program calendar for the following season (fall-spring).
    • Establishes short and long term goals for the program including resources and timeline.
    • Collaboratively with the DMA, creates procedures for the program and assesses logistics and executions of planned events.
    • Assesses and recommends improvements to AV, music quality, etc.

Supports ongoing implementation of the Music and Arts Program.

    • Assess program periodically
    • Committing resources, volunteers and energy to programmatic events that fit the vision for arts and music at UUCF.
    • Encouraging artists and musicians to evaluate their artistic work in relationship to this vision.
    • Support the DMA with regular monthly meetings.
    • Ensure that there is marketing and communication support for each music and arts initiative.

Organizational Linkages

    • The MAT reports to the DMA.
    • The lay minister for music and arts is an ex-officio member of this team.
    • The director of music and arts and the lay minister for music and arts communicate with the worship team


    • MAT shall ordinarily consist of six members, all of whom must be UUCF members. The team should not include more than eight members. Two members rotate on and two members rotate off each year so that an adequate rotation is preserved.
    • Music and Arts Team membership should strive to be diverse, including representation from members of various backgrounds, length of membership and involvement with the congregation.
    • Membership of the committee should include musicians, visual artists and non-artist members.
    • All members shall serve for 2 consecutive years and may renew for one additional 2-year term (i.e., no more than a total of 4 consecutive years).
    • The chair or co-chairs will be selected by consensus of the members.
    • New members are selected by consensus of current MAT members or in consultation with the DMA as deemed appropriate by MAT members.
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