Frequently Asked Questions

What do Unitarian Universalists believe?
This video describes Unitarian Universalism and what UUs believe. See more information on Unitarian Universalism here. Unitarian Universalists believe in loving our neighbors as ourselves, working for a better world, searching for truth with an open mind, using reason to help us explore religious ideas, and granting everyone the right to choose their own beliefs. Unitarian Universalism is a way of being religious rather than embracing a specific religious doctrine. UUs believe individuals are entitled to their own search and that not all people share the same beliefs. Unitarian Universalism draws from many different religions and UUs believe there is wisdom and value in most all religions, that most have something to teach us, but that no one religion has all the answers. 

When are UUCF services?
UUCF offers multiplatform worship at 10am on Sundays. The Sanctuary is fully open for worship without reservations. Services are also broadcast via livestream. The service is rebroadcast each Sunday at 1pm and 7pm and each Monday and Tuesday at 7pm. 

What should I do the first time I attend an in-person or an online service?
Visitors are greeted in person and receive a Welcome Packet. For those attending via livestream, the greeting and Welcome Packet are virtual. Hopefully, you’ll take advantage of one of the two ways to connect with the Welcome Team. You can send an email with your name to or you can connect with the team by filling out a visitor form. Whichever method you choose, we look forward to meeting you! 

How do I get to UUCF?
The address is 2709 Hunter Mill Rd. in Oakton, between Rt. 123 (Chain Bridge Road) and Lawyers Road. A NOTE ABOUT THE ENTRANCE TO THE UUCF CAMPUS: Because of traffic safety concerns, Fairfax County has required UUCF to install a barrier to stop left-hand turns into the campus from the southbound lane of Hunter Mill Road. If you are trying to enter the campus going south on Hunter Mill, simply proceed past UUCF for about 1/4 mile to the roundabout at Mystic Meadow Way and turn around to go northbound to the UUCF entrance. Thank you.

Are there opportunities for my children to engage in in-person or online activities?
UUCF’s Family Ministry offers Sunday classes for children and teens and youth groups for middle and high schoolers. Find out more at

Are there classes for adults?
Yes, Family Ministry also includes a wide range of classes and groups for adults and multi-generational groups. From Soul Circles to social justice committees, from music classes to parenting groups, there is something going on almost every day at UUCF, both in person and via Zoom. You can find all the events and classes on the Events page.

How large is the congregation?
UUCF has about 1,000 congregants, including members, friends, children and teens.

What are your worship services like?
Most UUCF services are professionally led by UUCF’s Senior Minister Rev. David A. Miller or the Intern Minister Cara Fortner. Children and youth usually join the services for about 20 minutes and then go to their Religious Exploration classes. Services include music and readings and usually a sermon or homily. UUCF is blessed with many talented musicians, so music is a key part of each service. There is also usually time for quiet reflection.

Are there restrictions related to COVID-19?
The UUCF campus is open and worship services are held in person and via livestream. Religious Exploration classes and small groups and meetings are held in person and/or on Zoom. Masks are not required at UUCF at this time. Full information on UUCF activities, including Zoom options, is at

What if I have other questions?
Please contact the UUCF office,, 703-281-4230, or, if you need more information before or after you visit.

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